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Paid dividends in a sentence

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Sentence count:18Posted:2024-03-16Updated:2024-03-16
Similar words: dividends paiddividend paidcash dividendsstock dividendsdividends payabledividenddividend ondividend tax
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1. Her hard work paid dividends when she won the school dancing competition.
2. Among stocks, only the railroads paid dividends on a regular basis.
3. Only three of the stocks on the list paid dividends, and the highest of those was 70 cents a share annually.
4. This extra effort paid dividends when she won the school dancing competition at the end of the spring term in 1976.
5. And the Antiques Roadshow has paid dividends to small dealers as well.
6. In order to offer spectacular returns, Kreuger paid dividends out of capital, not earnings.
7. The double substitution paid dividends as Chelsea equalised within two minutes of the restart.
7. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
8. Few enterprises paid dividends to the state; rather they consumed subsidies.
9. This extra effort paid dividends when she won the school dancing competition.
10. And this big mental paid dividends to the food bank.
11. The change paid dividends within five minutes as Chelsea went on the rampage.
12. It showed revenue of A $ 641. 1 million and paid dividends of 32 cents a share in the year.
13. And he would be the first to say that the time spent on making those long, hazardous journeys has paid dividends.
14. It seems, however, that the decision to withdraw sterling from the exchange rate mechanism has paid dividends.
15. It is a total package, well-thought-out and administered - and it has paid dividends.
16. Liverpool, not surprisingly, upped the pace of their own game in and it almost paid dividends.
17. Smarter stores and a successful World Cup campaign have paid dividends for JD Sports Fashion.
18. In addition, allowing journalists to circulate and protecting them from the crowd has clearly paid dividends.
More similar words: dividends paiddividend paidcash dividendsstock dividendsdividends payabledividenddividend ondividend taxdividend incomedividend ratefinal dividendstock dividenddividend yielddividend policyinterim dividenddividend payout ratiodividedivideddividerredividedivided updividerssubdividesubdividedundivideddivide timegreat dividepower dividerdivide and rulethe Great Divide
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